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Congratulations: 2022 A+ Schools of Excellence

Congratulations to Mesquite Elementary and Superstition Springs Elementary, who have earned the Arizona Educational Foundation's 2022  A+ School of Excellence™ award.

AEF has identified and honored exemplary pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade public schools in Arizona since 1983.

Applicant schools are evaluated in the areas of student focus and support, school culture, active teaching and learning, curriculum, leadership, community and parent involvement, and assessment data.

Evaluation of schools is based on a lengthy written application submitted by the school and a rigorous site visit conducted by a team of trained judges. In the application, each school provides demographic information, a description of current programs and practices, documentation of parent and community involvement, and a profile of the school’s principal and the school community’s commitment to excellence, equity, service, and sustained high achievement. The preparation of each school’s application involves collaboration among all stakeholders including students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members.

Currently, 12 schools in ÍøÆØÃÅ Schools are recognized as  A+ School of Excellence award winners.  The award lasts for three and a half years, and in order to apply, the current principal must have been in place for at least three years.