Club Sponsor(s) Location/Room Description Dates & Times
NJHS Tiffany Blasdel-Anaya NJHS is a student organization that is service oriented. Membership is based on Grade Point Average and recommendations. The organization will complete various service-oriented activities throughout the year.
STUCO Tiffany Blasdel-Anaya & William Mautino The purpose of this club is to organize student activities, fundraisers and dances.
CODE CLUB Joe Granio and Sara Wilner 700/Library Students use the Scratch program to learn coding skills such as how to code a game, how to remix a game and how to program commands for Edison Robots. Tuesdays until 4:30
CHESS CLUB Anna Caroll This is a club designed to foster an interest in the game of chess for beginners, increase the skills of current chess players, and practice skills at tournaments and leagues throughout the year.
Last Modified on September 2, 2021